
Monday, 4 January 2016

Easiest way to find pending friend requests And Who Unfriend You on Facebook

ADSENSE CODE HERE You have sent people friends request and still pending but you dont know who and who has still not accept your request or just remove you.

In the post via I will teach you how to see pending request and those who unfriend you with (comp) Pc 

Easiest way to find pending friend requests And who Unfriend You on Facebook

After you login to your Facebook click on your name on the navigation bar which will take you to yourTimeline

(forward) On the bottom right of the cover page you will find a button called Activity log.


(forward) On the landing page towards the left side of the page in the third block Click on More below the photos,likes and comments.

(foward) Now Click on Friends.


(forward) Now you can see all the friend requests you have sent , accepted and pending. You can even cancel the friend request just by clicking the button adjacent to the name.
In this way you can find who unfriended you and your pending friend requests AADSENSE CODE HERE
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